Page 37 - 2024 Equestrian Awards Catalog
P. 37

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                                                                                                    CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS
             QUICK SHIP                        Items Ship Same Day
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               SAME DAY
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            S H IP PI N G                         (Order by Noon EST)
               12PM EST.
      Score Cards and     Class No.  Class Name  1  2  3  4  5                          SHOW NAME  CLASS NO.  # OF HORSES  RING
                                    No. to place
      Judges' Forms       Table Speed Required  Article/Section  Time Allowed  sec sec  6 Judge’s Signature  8  9  10  JUDGES’ AWARDS  ADD  SCRATCH  NO.  SHOW DATE  NAME OF HORSE  RIDER  CLASS NAME OWNER  ADDRESS
                               Yds/Mtr per min
                                    Time Limit
                          Course Length
                                                                                        PLACE (Leave blank for equitation class)
                          Jump Off:
                          Horse No.  Fence Number  Total Faults  Time  CLASS  Number:  Day/Date:
      •  All score cards and                                          Rider 1:
       forms are printed on   5                        First          Rider 2:         5
       stiff index card stock,                         Third          Horee:           10
       except for the Form D   10                      Fifth          Add Class(es):   15
       entry forms which are   15                      Seventh        ScratchClass(es):
       carbonless multiple                             Ninth                           20
       part forms.        20                           Reserve
                                                       Judges will select and mark “Reserve” one more horse than the number  Signature:  25
                                                       of awards in any class to provide for the contingency of a disqualification.
                                                        HODGES BADGE CO., INC.  800-556-2440
                                                           FORM C
                          25                             Copyrighted by Hodges Badge Company, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.  HODGES BADGE COMPANY, INC.     (800)556-2440     www.hodgesbadge,com  HODGES BADGE CO., INC  800-556-2440  FORM D-3  Copyrighted by Hodges Badge Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
                          ©1996 by Hodges Badge Company Inc. Portsmouth, RI 02871  800-556-2440  Form A6
                         E848                         E843            E851            E844 / E845
                               JUDGES’ SCORE CARD  JUDGES’ SCORE CARD  1  2  3  4  5
          CLASSES OVER FENCES                 CLASS NAME  # of HORSES  6  7  8  9  10        SHOW NAME  # OF HORSES
                                              CLASS No.
                          CLASS No.  # of HORSES  Fence Number - Jumping Faults  Hunter Scoring  Pos. No.  Horse  Pos. No.  Horse  DIVISION  SHOW DATE
      CLASS #  # of HORSES  CLASS NAME        Horse No.  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Fence  Faults or  Manners and Way  Even Hunting  Style of  Conform-  1  21
      CLASS NAME                               1         Score  of Going  Pace  Jumping  ation  2  22  HORSE  CL #  CL #  CL #  CL #  CL #  SUB  CL #  CL #  TOTAL
                                                                      3       23
      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
                                                                      4       24
      NO.  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11  12  TOTAL  NO.  5        5       25            5
                                                                      6       26
                                                                      7       27
                                                                      8       28
      5                                       10                      9       29
                          5                                                                 10
                                                                      10      30
                                                                      11      31
                                                                      13      32
      10                                      15
                          10                                          13      33            15
                                                                      14      34
                                                                      15      35
                                                                      16      36
                          15                  20
                                                                      17      37            20
                                                                      18      38
                                                                                             CHAMPION:  POINTS:
                                                                      19      39
                                                                                             RESERVE:  POINTS:
      20                                      25                      20      40
      HODGES BADGE CO., INC. 800-556-2440 FORM A  Copyrighted by Hodges Badge Company, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.  20
                          HODGES BADGE CO., INC. 800-556-2440  FORM B  Copyrighted by Hodges Badge Company, Inc.   All Rights Reserved.  HODGES BADGE CO., INC.  800-556-2440  FORM B6  Copyrighted by Hodges Badge Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.  HODGES BADGE CO., INC.      800-556-2440    FORM E  HODGES BADGE CO., INC.      800-556-2440    FORM F
      E840               E842                E849                   E846                   E847
      Style # Description                                                   Size          1+
      E848  Form A6 Classes Over Fences (up to 20 fences/combinations), double sided, pad of 25  11" x 8-1/2"   8.50
      E843  Form C In Hand and Misc, single sided, pad of 25                5" x 8"      6.25
      E851  Form Add/Scratch (Declaration), single sided, pad of 25         5" x 8"      5.25
      E844  Form D-3 Class Entry (25 classes), 3 part carbonless, pad of 75  11" x 8-1/2"   16.00
      E845  Form D-4 Class Entry (25 classes), 4 part carbonless, pad of 100  11" x 8-1/2"   18.50
      E840  Form A Classes Over Fences (12 fences), double sided, pad of 25  7" x 11"    8.50
      E842  Form B Equitation and Saddle Classes, single sided, pad of 25   7" x 11"     8.50
      E849  Form B6 Hunter and Classes on the Flat and Over Fences, double sided, pad of 25  8-1/2" x 11"   8.50
      E846  Form E Jumping Order (1-40 on front, 41-80 on back), double sided, pad of 25  8-1/2" x 11"   8.50
      E847  Form F Championship Chart, single sheet                         8-1/2" x 11"   1.00
      Stock ID Badges
      •  Blue with gold print.
      •  Buttons are white with black printing.
      Stock titles available as listed:
      Alumni     Gateman     Ringmaster
      Announcer  Guest       Safety
      Board      Honoree     Secretary
      Board Member  Host     Show Secretary
      Board Of Directors Hostess  Speaker
      Chairman   Judge       Sponsor
      Chairperson  Member    Staff
      Clerk      Moderator   Steward
      Committee  Officer     Superintendent
      Coordinator  Official  Treasurer
      Council    Past President  Trustee
      Delegate   Patron      Usher
      Director   Photographer  Vendor
      Directors  Presenter   Vice President
      Executive Board  President  Vip
      Exhibitor  President Elect  Visitor
      Faculty    Press       Volunteer
                                                E752            E750             E755SP              E756
      Style # Description                       1+
      E752  2-1/4" button                      .55
      E750  2-1/4" button with 2" x 3" ribbon  .80
      E755SP 2" x 6" hemmed top with safety pin attached  1.00
      E756  3" rosette with pin back           1.25
       Stock items available only as shown.  800.556.2440    |    |    E2024  Minimum stock order $15.00.    37
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42