Page 42 - 2024 Equestrian Awards Catalog
P. 42

Equestrian 2024                  Unique Award Plaques
                                          Offered in a Variety of Styles
            FREE text engraving. FREE full color printing. Add $5.00 to engrave a logo/design.

                                                                                           JANICE BRONSON
                                                                                         LIFETIME SERVICE AWARD
                                                     NEDA SPRING DRESSAGE
                 New England Morgan Horse Association
                 2022 HALL of FAME AWARD
                       In honor of                                                      WITH SINCERE APPRECIATION
                      Jeff Morse                                                          FOR YOUR MANY YEARS
                                                      ANN VILLANI MEMORIAL
                   In Grateful Appreciation                                               OF DEDICATED SERVICE
                of your Outstanding Contributions to    ADULT AMATEUR
                 NEMHA and the Morgan Breed            HIGH POINT AWARD                 DOWN EAST BORDER RIDERS
                  Presented this 4th Day of February, 2023                                  SADDLE CLUB
                      Springfield, MA

          Espresso Plaque with                   Genuine Walnut Plaque*             Espresso Plaque with
          Florentine Black Plate*                Design is engraved on a 5" x 7"    Layered Plates*
          Design is engraved on a 6" x 8"        black plate with gold trim.        Engraved black plate is
          florentine black plate with gold trim.  EQ2045 7" x 9"   48.00            accented by gold plate beneath.
          EQ3042 8" x 10"   45.00                                                   EQ3044 8" x 10"   60.00

                         ELLIS BURGER PERPETUAL TROPHY
                         "HONORING A LIFELONG BREEDER &
                          EXHIBITOR OF WELSH PONIES"
                        DONATED BY LINDA, SHEILA & CARTER

                                                     IHSA ZONE I REGION I                      IQHA
                                                            RESERVE                      BREEDERS FUTURITY
                                                                                         BREEDERS FUTURITY
                                                       HIGH POINT TEAM                   RESERVE CHAMPION
                                                                                         RESERVE CHAMPION

       Solid Walnut Perpetual Plaque                     Solid Hardwood Plaques*
       High lacquer finish. FREE text engraving on the large plate and   •  Choice of Red Alder or Red Alder and Walnut plaque.
       first individual plate. Each additional engraved plate is $3.00. Add   •  Available with engraving or full color printing.
       $5.00 per item to engrave a logo/design on the large plate.   Red Alder Plaque*  Red Alder and Walnut Plaque*
       EQ4000 9" x 12"   275.00                          EQ2020 6" x 8"  (engraved)  27.50  EQ3030 8" x 10" (engraved)  43.50
       (1 large plate, 12 small plates)                  EF2020 6" x 8"  (full color)  24.50  EF3030 8" x 10" (full color)  40.50
       EQ4005 10-1/2" x 13"  375.00                      EQ3020 8" x 10" (engraved)  34.50
       (1 large plate, 24 small plates)                  EF3020 8" x 10" (full color)  31.50

        *Available portrait or landscape. Portrait is standard unless specified. All engraving submissions must be created in Word or Excel, proofread and emailed to info@
 (no faxes please). For artwork specs visit us at Additional charges may apply. Please see FAQs located on page 31.
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