Page 24 - 2024-2025 Athletic & School Awards Catalog
P. 24

Athletic & School 24-25

      BL1         BL3         BL5                                            BL6 Cheer   BL7 Cross  BL9
      Archery     Basketball  Cheer                                          Competition  Country   Football

      BL10        BL16        BL17                              Neck Ribbons  BL55       BL57       BL59
      Golf        Swimming    Tennis                                         Reading     Science    Lamp of Learning

                                                     BL19       Actual
                                                     Victory    size

      BL60        BL61        BL63                                           BL64 Perfect   BL67    BL68
      Star Performer  Music   Participant                                    Attendance  Graduate   Honor Roll
        2" BL Medal
        A971 - w/Unprinted Grosgrain Neck Ribbon                              THREE FINISHES
        1+    500+                                                            bright gold, silver,
        2.10  1.85
        A97440 - w/Stock Millennium Neck Ribbon                               antiqued bronze
        1+                                                                                          MORE ONLINE
        2.15  1.85                                                                         
        A973 - w/Custom Printed Satin Neck Ribbon
        1+    25+  100+  500+  1000+ 5000+
        3.50  2.60  2.50  2.40  2.30  2.20

                                                                       THREE FINISHES
                                                                       antiqued gold, silver, bronze

                                                      CAN SHIP IN
                                                       DIE CAST MEDALS
                                                      24 H O U RS  *
                                                                 CX1     CX7    CX8     CX16   CX32    CX37
                                                                 Double  Basketball Soccer  Star  Stylized  F. Gymnastics
                                                                 Swimmers                      Swimmer
                                                                    For rainbow or RWB satin ribbon, add .25 each to custom
      CX53               CX17                CX9                    printed satin neck ribbon prices and .05 each to custom
      Open               Lamp of             Torch        Actual    printed satin drape ribbon prices shown. **Pins are included,
      Book               Learning                         size      unattached and bagged separately.
                                                                    1-1/8" CX Medal
                                                                    A6011 - w/Unprinted Grosgrain Neck Ribbon
                                                                    A6031 - w/Custom Printed Satin Neck Ribbon
                                                                    1+    25+  100+  500+  1000+ 5000+
                                                                    2.90  2.00  1.90  1.80  1.70  1.60
                                                                    A6051 - w/Custom Printed Satin Drape**
                                                                    1+    25+  100+  500+  1000+ 5000+
                                                                    3.00  2.10  2.00  1.90  1.80  1.70

            *Medals with grosgrain neck ribbons can ship in 24 hours, call for details. Additional charges may apply. Visit us at
     24                          800.556.2440    |    |    A2024-2025                                                           800.556.2440    |    |    A2024-2025
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