Page 29 - 2024-2025 Athletic & School Awards Catalog
P. 29

Custom Medals

                                                                    CELEBRATING OVER 100 YEARS

      Choose a medal style
      •  Choose from our selection of medals
       featured on pages 29 - 31.

      Choose a medal finish
      •  Medals are available in gold, silver and
       bronze finishes.
      Choose a design
      •  Your choice of a stock design, stock design
       with custom text or your logo/design.

      Choose your medal center look
      •  Medal centers are available in two options, full
       color or black on medal finish background.  CAN SHIP IN
                                                CUSTOM MEDALS
                  2 Options                     W/GROSGRAIN
                                              72 H O U RS  *

          (Option 1)      (Option 2)
         FULL COLOR        BLACK
           logo/design  logo/design on any medal
                       finish background
      •  Option 1 - full color centers give you unlimited
       color and creativity.
      •  Option 2 - black design on your choice of
       gold, silver or bronze medal.
      Personalization on the back – optional
      •  Optional personalization on         Black
       the back of your medals (add          custom
       .50¢ per medal).                      design
      •  Custom print will be black.  YOUR         LFL medal
      •  We recommended up to 4   PRINT          with full color
       lines, 15 characters per line.  HERE     custom desigh
       Submissions must be created
       in Word or Excel, proofread and
       emailed to                                       Full color
       (no faxes please).                                                    custom
      Choose a neck ribbon                                                   design
      •  All medals come with attached neck ribbon       Briar Hill School                         GFL medal
       and are included in the price of the medal.                                                 with black
      •  Three neck ribbon styles and one drape style                         Actual               custom
       to choose from, see page 22.

                                            THREE FINISHES

                                            antiqued gold, silver, bronze
        Satin  Millennium  Grosgrain  Drape
      1-3/4" LFL Medal                    2-5/8" GFL Medal
      A96110 - w/Unprinted Grosgrain Neck Ribbon  A99110 - w/Unprinted Grosgrain Neck Ribbon
      1+   500+                           1+    500+
      2.20  1.95                          2.55  2.30
      A96440 - w/Stock Millennium Neck Ribbon  A99440 - w/Stock Millennium Neck Ribbon
      1+                                  1+
      2.15  1.95                          2.50  2.30
      A96310 - w/Custom Printed Satin Neck Ribbon  A99310 - w/Custom Printed Satin Neck Ribbon
      1+   25+   100+  500+  1000+ 5000+  1+    25+  100+  500+  1000+ 5000+
      3.60  2.70  2.60  2.50  2.40  2.30  3.95  3.05  2.95  2.85  2.75  2.65

               *Medals with grosgrain neck ribbons can ship in 72 hours, call for details. Additional charges may apply. Visit us at
                                800.556.2440    |    |    A2024-2025                        29
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